Wednesday, April 10, 2013


     There are almost no words to describe this perfectly natural photograph. I was completely entranced as soon as I scrolled to it. I could immediately escape into a beautiful, peaceful world with no distraction. This shot gives off such an elegant flow of nature from tranquillity to the fierce force of nature moving the rapids. It shows the calmness of the shadowing clouds of the snow white mountaintops to tall forests and at last, the continuous currents. This spectacular photo wraps up the daily roller coaster we can experience in our lives but for me, I can set all that aside and become relaxed after looking at what beauty nature expresses.  

Contemporary Art Daily


     This contemporary art is too bland of a photo for me but stepping back and applying it to life just comes naturally for me. The first thing I thought of when looking at this photo was it was some type of ladder. Then I started to think of how we go up or down with our individual lives. My perspective is starting at the bottom of the ladder and making steps "upward" to improve my life to reach that final positive goal. Or, we can start out innocent at the top of the ladder in life and take steps that negatively lead us to rock "bottom." This is just my interpretation of this image before I even looked into the artists' meaning. His press release gives this description of his work, "With washcloths and towels cut up, hand sewn together and dyed with ink, the materials absorbing function – a mirror to the skin – is displaced. The gradual loss of a cell’s increment is redefined by space and light, with desire punctuated by color. Suggesting a state of movement on and through these objects, within their layers of absence the viewer takes on, unravels and shares an object’s space in a pure state. Lee is known for sculptures that reference the body while emitting a physical intimacy, yet these new larger works restate his consideration of the human tactile experience in an expanded domain" (Paul Lee Press Release).